Saturday, 24 December 2011

I have launched my portfolio website!

I have finally launched my own website. It contains some work from university and from working in the graphic design industry. I will update it regularly- particularly the illustration and photography sections.

2011 is nearly coming to an end. It has been a great year. It was my first year into the working world full time. There were many highs and lows. The transition from being a student to a worker has been a challenge. I grew in confidence, learning to trust myself and my intuition in graphic design because there are no tutors to give your guidance or advice. However, I do pray to God for wisdom and creativity because He is the ultimate Designer. I grew both professionally and spiritually this year.

I am so pumped for 2012! Professionally, I aspire to become a more prolific designer/artist and producing my own personal work that is meaningful, entertaining, challenging, innovative, inspiring, connects with people, reflective and observational. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Christmas is nigh!

I was roaming around QVB today because yesterday I was out with friends without a card on the camera. I noticed some interesting things while I was there. I loved the toys in the 3rd level. It brings back so much childhood memories. I used to read fairy tales and nursery rhymes everyday when I first came to Australia and didn't know much English when I was 8. The Swarovski Crystal Garden also looked fascinating. It looked like a set out of Narnia. I would love to take a photo with the White Witch instead of Santa in there.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A day at Outpost with Berny and Julia

It was my day off work today. The Outpost exhibition features a collection of Street Art at Cockatoo Island. I took photos of some of my favourite pieces and installations.